We are always looking for adult volunteers to help with Youth Ministry! All adults who work with youth are required to complete an Archdiocesan Volunteer Application, attend Virtus training, and complete a background check. Contact Annie to receive these details.
Some volunteer options include:
Core Team: adults age 21-40 who help lead weekly Youth Group meetings. Those interested in Core Team will complete an application and schedule an interview with Annie. Love for the Catholic faith and an ability to relate to young people are vital for this ministry.
Retreat Team: adults who chaperon, give talks, and lead small group on high school retreats. These retreats are held over weekends off campus. Planning and prayer meetings are held before retreat.
Dinner Team: adults who provide dinner for a Sunday Youth Group. Food is an essential part of effective Youth Ministry! We offer teens dinner at every Youth Group gathering to help teens feel comfortable and encourage conversation. If you can prepare dinner for a Youth Group, contact Annie.
If you are interested in getting involved in one of the ways above or in another way, please fill out the form below and you will be contacted. Thank you for your interest and for your prayers.