Youth Group meets most Sunday nights in the Youth Center from 7:00-9:00PM. For an updated schedule, to sign up for texting reminders, and/or to be added to a parent email listerv, contact Annie McHugh.
The youth ministry program at St Raphael Parish invites teens into an intimate relationship with Christ through the richness of the Catholic Church. We seek to accomplish this goal in four main ways: liturgy, positive relationships, catechetical formation and service.
Youth Ministry strives to help teens' faith not only survive middle school and high school, but thrive through it! We encourage healthy development of our youth, walk with them through struggles, give them a place to form friendships with peers who share their beliefs, and challenge them to integrate faith and life.
Check out our upcoming Youth Ministry events:
Youth Mass: The 6pm Mass at St. Raphael is geared toward youth. Music is led by the Youth Band and teens serve as lectors and ushers. This is a great way to do service for the parish and worship with peers!
Sunday Youth Group: Every Sunday from 7-9pm, high school teens are invited to a youth group meeting. These nights include catechesis, prayer, and discussion as well as food and fun.
Retreats: Every fall and spring, teens are invited on retreat. These weekend retreats are an opportunity to get away for a weekend and spend time in prayer, learning, and friendship. Youth Group also attends the annual Mount 2000 retreat at Mount St. Mary's.
Socials: Youth Ministry hosts socials in addition to weekly Sunday youth group. These socials include activities like Bubbleball, all-night Lock Out, ice skating, etc.
Theology of the Body for Teens: Every other year, high school teens are invited to the Theology of the Body series study. During these weekly meetings, teens learn more about who they are and how to live, especially regarding relationships and sexuality. These sessions are based on Pope St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body and use the Ascension Press Theology of the Body for Teens videos and workbooks.
Service Opportunities: Youth Group offers periodic service opportunities for high school youth such as serving with the Missionaries of Charity or volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center.
Rockville Catholic Summer Program: "RCSP" is a seven week summer camp run by St. Raphael and St. Patrick Youth Ministries. Teens and college-age young people are invited to volunteer or apply for employment for part or all of their summer. Check out details at
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