If you want to receive this sacrament, confessions are heard every week in the confessionals in the church, in both English and Spanish: Tuesdays, 7:00–7:30 p.m.; and Saturdays, 3:45–4:30 p.m. You can also call to make an appointment with a parish priest: 301-762-2143.
Parents who wish to have their child prepare for First Penance are asked to contact Mary Beaudoin, Director of Religious Education, at 301-762-2143 ext 124 . Preparation for First Penance and First Eucharist is generally a two-year process. Children typically begin the formal process in first grade and receive both sacraments in second grade, but children and teens may begin formal preparation for sacraments in any grade. Preparation includes both Religious Education class (or Catholic school religion class) and completion of “at-home” preparation materials.
If you are a St. Raphael’s parishioner who is homebound and you need a priest to visit to hear your confession, please call 301-762-2143 and ask that your need be communicated to the priests.