Mission Statement The St. Raphael Parish Pastoral Council brings together lay people, religious and the ordained who, with the Pastor, work to build St. Raphael's as a living Christian community. Council members care about parish life in this and other communities of the Archdiocese, share in the concerns of the universal Church, and strive to bring the Gospel message to all people and places in their neighborhoods and community.
Through reflection, prayer, planning, motivation and support, the Council identifies, encourages and evaluates those ministries or services that are needed for growth of a living parish community at St. Raphael's. Thus the Council must carefully consider the needs of the faithful and search within the community to recommend the means that will adequately respond to those needs. The Council will submit recommendations or counsel to the various parish groups through the Pastor or, at his request, to the organizations concerned.
Parish Council Meetings Meeting Minutes available on the sidebar under "Documents."