"Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul." ~Dorothy Day
This subcommittee works on activities and events that help to alleviate hunger in our community. Watch the parish bulletin for notices on how you can help with any of these activities or call Sandy Shamburek at 240-864-2514 for additional information.
Stone Soup Sunday: A monthly collection of canned goods & non-perishables donated to the Food Pantry located at St. Martin of Tours in Gaithersburg, MD.
John S. Mulholland Family Foundation (JSMFF) Summer in the City Food Drive: JSMFF organizes food drives at various parishes in Montgomery County to support food pantries associated with poor Catholic Parishes in Washington, D.C. St. Raphael has agreed to assist them with our
August Food Drive; this August will make our third year of collecting food for this organization. Brown grocery bags with the food items most needed will be distributed to parishioners the last weekend in July so they can maximize the amount of food donated to this organization. on the first weekend of August. Stone Soup Sunday food drive resumes in September.
Shelter Meal Programs: Volunteer teams provide a meal to the residents of local shelters for their residents. The shelter served by St. Raphael families or teams of volunteers is Dorothy Day Place.
Thanksgiving Food Drive and Frozen Turkey Drive: Benefits annual twinning effort to assemble Blessing Baskets distributed at our Twin Parish, St. Martin of Tours in Washington, DC. Collection of traditional Thanksgiving nonperishables begin in early November and concludes on the Sunday before Thanksgiving day with an additional Frozen Turkey Drive .
Volunteer opportunities for student SSL hours andvolunteer drivers are needed. .
Mother Teresa Soup Kitchen Luncheon: This annual event provides a hot, holiday meal, entertainment and a gift to clients served by the Missionaries of Charity at two homes in Washington, DC. The Sisters serve the poor and homeless. The luncheon is held at St. Raphael's on the second Tuesday in December. Watch the November bulletin for the link to the SUG site to donate roasted turkeys, baked hams and sodas or to volunteer during the event.
Lenten Feeding Program at Community Based Shelter: Prepares and delivers breakfast and bagged lunches as well as prepares and serves dinner for the current residents of the shelter for a designated week during Lent. Call Ed Staunton at 301-943-0509 for information.
Archdiocesan Lenten Food Drives: Catholic Charities organizes the food drive thorughout Catholic Parishes in Montgomery County during the Lenten Season. It inlcudes the collection of
specific non-perishable foods that benefits those who are hungry. St. Raphael's gives its collection to the Food Pantry of St. Martin's in Gaithersburg, MD. Contact Anabel Zamora at
Anabelvctr27@gmail.com for more information.