If you are seeking Confirmation for your child, please contact Religious Education: Director Mary Beaudoin at 202-294-7697 or Assistant Karen Watson 301-762-2143 ext 123. Preparation for Confirmation is generally a two-year process, typically beginning in 7th grade, with Confirmation received in 8th grade, but the process can be completed in high school. This preparation includes regular Sunday Mass attendance, faith formation classes (either Religious Education or Catholic school), a Confirmation retreat, participation in several parent/student meetings, completing the Confirmation Service Project, writing a Saint Essay, completing a Confirmation Interview, and having a Confirmation Sponsor.
Adults who are seeking confirmation are asked to enroll in the OCIA program. Please contact Krys Psurek 240-864-2542 and leave a message. For OCIA in Spanish (RICA), please contact Luis and Maruja Quezada at 301-330-5982.
If you are a St. Raphael’s parishioner who has been asked to serve as a Confirmation sponsor, please contact Eileen Kutchak at 301-762-2143 ext 110 to request a letter of eligibility. To serve as a sponsor, you must be a practicing Catholic who has received all three sacraments of initiation and is living a life of faith consistent with this responsibility.